Get Reunion Tickets

This year, the only tickets are for the reunion luncheon. (No extra events.)

Tickets are $40 per person.

No other payment is required, though donations (totally optional) are again accepted. (Even small amounts will help us fully fund the event, offset payment fees, invite teachers, help find classmates, and (we hope) fund future reunions.)

Payment by check is preferred. Please make payable to “CHHSW Class of 69 Reunion” and mail ASAP to Class Reunion, c/o Janice Vogt, 84 Senators Way Berlin NJ 08009. Please write the name of any guest on check, and include a note mentioning guest, any donation and an email address or phone number. All checks must be mailed by Oct. 5, 2024.

If paying by check, especially if you’d like to explain any dietary or mobility needs, it would be helpful if you could also fill out a survey on “55th Reunion Options” page. You can skip “Go to Cart.”

To pay online, via PayPal, Venmo or credit card, click the image below or visit “55th Reunion Options.”

Questions? Problems? Please contact chhsw69 (at)

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