NEWS! Discounted price of $40 is now the continuous price!

It’s official! The 55-year reunion of Cherry Hill West’s Class of 69 will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024, at Tavistock County Club.

Note the switch to a lunchtime event. The thinking was, let’s keep the cost down, and make long drives more doable (and safer), while keeping the rest of the day and evening free for casual meetups or other activities.

All classmates are invited, along with a guest. The cost for early ALL sign-ups has been kept down to $40 per person, thanks to the money skills of Janice Vogt, and generosity of others, especially Robert Strauss.

The buffet menu will feature beef, chicken and salmon entrees, with a variety of vegetarian options, including a starter crudite display, soup, salad, and pasta dishes. Coffee, decaf, hot tea, ice tea and lemonade included. Cash bar for other drinks. Of course, there’s dessert.

Valet parking also provided.

Possible attendance. As of Sept. 10, more than 60 tickets have been sold, with another couple dozen classmates saying they expect to be there, and another couple dozen saying they might. The totals could go higher. About 175 classmates attended the more expensive 50th Reunion.

Address info. Tavistock Country Club is at 100 Tavistock Lane, Tavistock, NJ, nestled between Haddonfield and part of Cherry Hill. Tavistock Lane is a quick right after turning onto Winding Way off Warwick Road, which connects to downtown Haddonfield.

TICKET INFO. Checks preferred, because our online payment options incur fees. But PayPal, Venmo and credit cards also accepted. For details, including about guests and helpful donations, go to tickets page.

Questions? Send to chhsw69 (at), or post them on our Facebook group.

Hope to see you there!

Members of the Reunion Committee, including Robert Strauss, Janice Vogt, Roberta Kaplan Braverman, Bruce Braverman, Peter Mucha, Augie Conte, Kathleen Kochan Brewer, Jeri Kessler Turoff, Deena Kirsh Taylor, Barbara Sarshik, Gary Williams, and more …