
Whereabouts Unknown

If you have a clue — college? post-high school address? married name? — please contact the Cherry Hill West Class of 69 reunion at CHHSW69 (at) gmail.com. 

Michael James Anderson Common name. Parents named Dorothy and Harold. Older sister Susan.
Barbara Lee Chew Married name might be Gibbs or Davidson.
Linette Marie Concepcion (Collins?)
Robert Irwin Fischer
Iowa or Texas?
Paul Grassman Used to live in Reading, Pa. A sister said she hadn’t been in touch for years. Might have moved to Chicago area.
Charles Alan Hoffman Common name. Might live in Indiana, Louisiana or Virginia.
Jacqueline Marie Knecht Perhaps need to know a married name. Older brother Albert, father Charles?
Susan Lelevich Lived in Kingston section of Cherry Hill for a long time. Last mailing address was a post office box in Palm Desert, Calif.
Donna Lee Lichtenberger Perhaps need to know a married name. Younger brother Erich?
Bonnie Murphy Middle name or initial unknown. Perhaps need a married name.
Bonnie Weiner Not to be confused with Barbara Weiner Smith. They were in the same homeroom junior year. Perhaps need a married name.
Sue Katherine Sansom Probably senior year only. Perhaps need a married name.
JoAnn ‘Jody’ Donaldson With the class junior high through junior year. Transferred to Diamond High in Missouri. Perhaps need a married name.
Barbara Baxter Was in homerooms sophomore and junior year, then moved away?
Art Cook With the class junior high through sophomore year. Parents Betty Jane and Charles. Sister Karen.

See also, “Possibly Departed?

No Luck Reaching Yet

Have found clues (possible phone numbers or addresses), but no replies yet.

Charles Barone Lives in Florida?
Lynda Bolletino (Becker?)  Junior high and junior year. Lives in NJ?
Leigh Cataldo Crowe Lives in South Carolina?
Penny Emmerling (Craft?) Lives in Indiana?
Ray Fischer Cape May P.O. box might be good.
Bruce Forrest  New Jersey or Florida?
Bill Happersett Pretty sure he’s in Wyoming.
Greg Hoffman Palm Harbor, FL, address rejected by Postal Service.
Roy Jenik Haddon Township address outdated, says Postal Service.
Thomas Boland Kline Found a brother Ken in Atco?
Rod Lehman Seems to live in Florida, has a brother Peter in Cherry Hill?
Lona Lowe Delaware address rejected by Postal Service.
Joseph Prior Tried another California address.
Robert Riley Another possible Delawarean.
Konrad Scott Lives in California.
Norma Silverman Arcus Sent a postcard to Denver address.
Neal Smith Marlton and Florida addresses rejected by Postal Service.
Charles Stock Runnemede address rejected by Postal Service.
Richard Stopfer California addresses rejected by Postal Service.
Lorraine Szalanski Wisniewski South Carolina?
Deborah Waters Common name, but our classmate seems to have had several relatives who might help.
Earl ‘Rod’ Weaver Sent a postcard to a Florida address.
Steven White Sent a postcard to a South Carolina address.
Susan Willens Last name now Turse, was Dougherty? Lives in Florida?
Margaret Mary Williams Hope siblings can help.
Sharon Yvonne Williams A classmate says she’s has been in touch with Sharon, but reunion still hopes to hear directly.