Lee Freedman

freedman R.I.P. 2015

No obit or death notice found.

But Lee’s Facebook page remained viewable as of 2018, with various posts and photographs, including one with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame.

lee freedman shatner nimoy

According to Philadelphia Inquirer stories, Lee ran the Woodstock Pizza concession in 1994, selling 100,000 pies at the 25th anniversary event of the famous New York State festival of music, peace and love.  He got the gig because sponsor Pepsi, after its Pizza Hut subsidiary declined the task, refused to let competitors like Domino’s get involved. When Lee’s pitch to sell a music-amplifying invention called an “ear lens” got nixed, he asked what else he do. How about pizza? he was asked.

Here’s the start of a long article from Aug. 8, 1994.

Lee Freedman Woodstock Pizza story 1994

Lee also innovated a color-based alphabet called Kromophons. Think of words as a set of colored blocks, each block representating a specific letter. See CNet article.,”Alphabet Changes Color of Communication.” Lee was a physician who had also sold real estate, CNET says.



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